Linear TextSeeing the video in class of how written from pencil to pen has change and digital text is more flexible, and moveable. Technology has a big effect on society. Technology has changed. As the years pass new technology is invented, digital text is a big part too. It was a mess or a big trouble doing a paper work. An essay has to go over the paper check any mistakes corrected it or redo the paper again throw out the paper, now with digital text it is easier. People all around the world can do a paper work for a job, school work on a computer. Any mistake the computer will show it and we can fix it without using whiteout erasing or crumbling the paper. Everything is done on a computer. It saves people time and is easier. People have gone from the library to using books now using the internet. Google, wikipedia,, any source in the internet I just write the question and answers will come out. No need for books, or going to a library and if there's a book I need I only have to search it online and buy it straight from there. On Youtube I can upload videos, music videos share with friends, family with anyone. Want to stay in touch. Get a webcam and can video call. I can be any where around the world and by using oovoo, Skype, Facebook, google+ I can see my friends, family by being in one place and they being in another place. Privacy meaning state or condition of being free from being observed or disturbed by other people. People have to rethink before uploading a picture, video or even something that they write can either effect themselves or other people around them. People sometimes forget that whatever I put online it's seen everywhere and by everyone so I have to rethink before posting something online that I might regret later on. Technology can either do well for me or bad which depends for what I use the internet. Rethinking school is easier if classes were online. There will be no need to go to school from home the work can be done. Teachers won't be waisting theire time seen who is doing there work they just can be behind a computure connected with the student. If a student don't show up for school they would not have an excuse for their work. They just can cheek in the internet or school website for the work they missed and make it up. This will save time for a teacher trying to go over the class and the class won't have to hold on for the student to catch up with the class they can easy go make up the work. I intervied my aunt about how has technology changed or affected her life. It's hard sometimes for a older person in there 50 to sometimes keep up with technology or any new changes. It takes them time to get familiar with some of the technology and at the sometimes fun to experiences something that they have never experience in there youth. Not only with technology but with cars, banks going shopping now if don't feel like getting out of the house can go to any store website and buy any product they like and it will be deliver to there apartment. She said that she can keep up dated with what is happening around the world by just looking up in the internet and with her family that are not next to her. What will happen if we settle for the first thing that came along. That's what the video of Hyundai try to explain that if we settle for the first thing that came along we will not have all the new advances in technology. That's what we have to rethinking if not we will be caring the old cell phones old cars. That's why we should thinking of advancing. New thinking , new possibilities. Want to be entertained? Netflix good website for movies instead to going and renting it outside I just can go to netflix on the internet and see any movie that I choose. Want to see who's doing what? Want to know what a artits is doing instead of going to buy a magazine. Enter the internet and search for them. All the information I request appears. Enter to famous site like twitter , facebook, myspace and keep up with my friends and even with my favorite artits. Technology is easy to use and an be use for school ,work, when we go away want to keep in touch with friends and family. It Keeps me updated with what's going around with the world .